So good news for you film folk waiting on the latest delivery, eta in Sydney is next Wednesday, then through customs and hopefully through the door on Friday. Good news. Now some other, not so good news. It has come to our attention that a few other foto stores are flogging the Foma brand. A […]

Murals, by hand
Yea, the final print. All thats left is archival Selenium toning, hypo clearing and the hour long wash….. Then some drying and spotting…. then packing up for the framers. This has been a great job to work on, Tri-X shot with a ‘Blad, exposed correctly and processed just right. Keeps life simple…. Next week it’s […]

Stephen Dupont's “White Sheet Series”
Hand printed at Blanco Negro on Foma warmtone matte with special developer. 94 sheets of paper, 28 liters of developer and 10 days in the darkroom. Printed a few years ago now, funny how one remembers. Nice job Steveo with the woodcuts….. From April 2, 2014 Stephen Dupont’s new work The White Sheet Series No. 1 […]

“The Lost Boys Of Sudan” by Chris Peken
The Lost Boys of Sudan, an exhibition by Chris Peken, is a show I’m starting on Tuesday. It was a bit of a surprise as I deleted my system folder to make room for a scratch disk (I’m sticking to darkroom stuff) and lost a fair bit of info, bookings etc. Another surprise was they are […]

Keepin' outta trouble….
Keeping outta trouble….. It's been a busy week in the darkroom and the pics below gives an idea what I've been working on. The Gyuto Monks have been coming to Australia for the past twenty years and Tobi Wilkinson has been documenting them for as long as I can remember. View more of Tobi's fine […]

Another assistant….
With many thanks to Nick la Rosa for all his advice, time and patience, Blanco Negro is beginning the move into digital social media. 3 posts a week I’ve been commanded to perform, and this is the first. So here is a little news from the darkside. I have a new assistant, lasted 3 months […]

“The Gathering 2012” at Blanco Negro
Please join us on April the 24th for the opening night of “the Gathering” 2012. On display will be a collection of hand crafted photographs, mostly printed by the photographers themselves from the surrounds of Trentham, Victoria. For many years now, 25+ photographers gather at Gold Street Studios along with their large format cameras, ranging from […]

“My Element” group exhibition
Hand printed at Blanco Negro using the Devere DS digital enlarger : over 20 odd printed over 2 days and Devere digital enlarger didn’t skip a beat. Good luck to all the guys on opening night! Proudly sponsored by Blanco Negro […]

“Two Boroughs” by Mark Staplefeldt
Another exhibition….. This is a collection of images by Mark Staplefeldt, printed in colour and hand made Black & White. On show between the 19th – 25th of April at Blank_Space Gallery in Surry Hills. All the best Mark! […]

Upcoming Exhibition @ Blanco Negro
Opening soon at Blanco Negro will be “The Gathering” of 2012. A collection of hand made photographs by various large format photogrpahers from across Australia. Please RSVP to chris@localhost if you think you can make it, or any other social way….. […]

Jerry Uelsmann
PRINT OF THE WEEK: Jerry Uelsmann. Just thought I'd share the latest print in the collection, with thanks to Point Light Gallery. Last year they held an exhbition by Jerry Uelsmann, master print maker. Seeing this show was a dream come true. REAL Uelsmann prints, in the flesh so to speak and I just had […]

Hand made folio by Jack Picone
Been in the dark eight days straight… should have a bed in there! I just thought I'd share a pic of Jack Picone's latest panorama folio. The edition consist of ten hand made 24/10″ prints which I was lucky enough to print for Jack mid last year. I have my copy of the folio handy […]
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