Exhibition print job, Liquid Emulsion photographic Book and new Foma products just in. Last month I finished a limited edition of Australian photographer Ricky Maynard. “Saddened Were the Hearts of Many Men” was originally printed in 2015 using Fomabrom 111 paper. After initial processing the prints received a custom Bleach and Thiocarbamide toning process. Upon […]
Instagram pics, back online….
A few pics from my Instagram posts. blanconegrodarkroom Print finishing. The final step of creating a black and white hand made print #photogram #blanconegro#fineartdarkroom #handmade#doitinthedark This photogram on the left (15 in total) was printed on the discontinued 123 Fomabrom paper at 20/24″ size. I played around a fair bit with the exposures as one does and I […]

New Bromoil paper from Foma now available. Fomabrom Variant 113 BO
Blanco Negro is happy to announce the new Bromoil paper from Foma Bohemia is now available to purchase online. I sent off a few sample packs to experienced bromoil printers who said their initial testing shows great promise. Being a novice bromoiler myself, I have yet to take the plunge and have a crack. I […]
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Some news from the darkroom: No deliveries 24th – 28th due to teaching @ Gold St Studios
New Foma Delivery Due Next Week So next week I am expecting the latest Foma delivery, and with it comes 150 rolls of the latest release of the new Foma Retropan “soft” 320 film in the 120 format. Also arriving is load of the Fomaspeed matte 10/8 in 25 sheet packs, for all the Uni […]

Some news from the darkroom…
Film Paper & Workshops… Blanco Negro is happy to announce the arrival of Foma Bohemia’s latest film, Retropan 320 in the 120 format. I am pretty excited to be testing the new film this weekend and dusting off the Mamiya 7 & C330 and may even get a few prints off next week… Stocks are […]

Silver Gelatin workshop at Gold Street Studio
I just thought I would put a shout “out there” regarding a placement at my upcoming workshop in Gold Street Studios this Thursday 26th and Friday 27th April. Anyone who is interested please contact Ellie Young directly via her website: http://www.goldstreetstudios.com.au/contact-us/ For more information regarding the workshop, please click HERE […]
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Foma release a new paper for Bromoil’s
Well the folks are Foma have been keeping busy. After last months news about the release of Retropan in 120 format, Foma have just announced the production of a new paper designed for Bromoils. FOMABROM VARIANT 113 BO features a very rich half-tone scale over all contrast grades, a shining white paper base and saturated […]
Foma release new Retropan 120 format film!
Great news from Foma Bohemia. It seems the folk at Foma have listened to the people and have begun production of the Retropan 320 Soft in 120 (Medium) format. Press release: Dear Sir or Madame, We are glad to inform you that we have launched a new product- RETROPAN 320 as 120 film. RETROPAN 320 soft […]

A little bit of bits and bobs…
Well living in the sticks sure gives one time for playing in the darkroom. With very little to distract, all focus is directed in the printing or processing of images. I cannot believe how much time is saved without the interruptions of phone calls and emails. My current routine, as my solar set up is […]

November news… from the off grid darkroom. Working at Gold Street Studios 9th -14th Nov, again!
Well it has been just over 6 weeks now since I have started working form the bush and I must say you can get sooo much more work finished in a much shorter time. Being off line also helps a hell of a lot. I travel 7 minutes to the top of my hill to […]

Rockin’ & Rollin’ in the darkroom
So finally after several weeks of cleaning and repairing the machines I have managed to get my hands wet. As usual when I have any sort of absence from the darkroom, I had the fear of “what if I have forgotten what to do!”, but thankfully this was not the case. I have been working […]

Into the light…
All powered up and ready to play. Well almost… Lights are on, though power points are yet to be completed, so just a little longer till play time. The water was delivered and plumbed in and I had my first shower ever in the bush. Add drool comment about here! Ahh bliss and every drop […]
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