All powered up and ready to play. Well almost… Lights are on, though power points are yet to be completed, so just a little longer till play time.
The water was delivered and plumbed in and I had my first shower ever in the bush. Add drool comment about here! Ahh bliss and every drop will be recycled into the garden.
One sink is plumbed and Mr Undy’s donated sink is next up. Six and half meters of wet area with plenty of room for the processing of FB murals. The next machine to get a make over is the Durst 10″x10″ horizontal enlarger to create said murals. I’ve had the big boss in storage for well over eight years and when I turned it on last week it fired up, first go. Unfortunately that was all is did! However a friend has promised to try to help me, thank you Sam.
So by next week I am planning to start my first prints and run some test processing. And there will be peace once again in my life. Although the shop is no longer open in Sydney, I have received my first order from Rewind photo lab in Glebe. They’ll be stocking some Foma materials really soon, though photographers will still be able to order through Blanco Negro’s website as usual of course. I’ll be continuing to import Foma materials as long as they make em’. And long may they rein.

In some other news, it’s not all about ME! A new photographic exhibition is opening soon in Sydney by Sam Stephenson and Harry Culy. Click here
Sam made his prints at my old Sydney darkroom over a few sessions and this promises to be interesting event, well done Sam.
Another show opening later this coming week is “Journey 1984 – 2017” by Sydney photographer /printmaker Gordon Undy. Click here for more info.
And lastly is one more exhibition of hand crafted B&W prints (Foma paper ) by Stephen Hartup. “Tolwong Road – a story of a fire” is still showing at Gallery X in Bungendore. Last days this week.
Click here for a link to the blog review by the ever industrious and film lover Sean Davey. Keep up the great work mate.
And thats about it from me, for now. Another HUGE thank you to everyone offering me support and patience while I am in the state of transition.
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