The Printer’s Print: A Decent Exposure
We are now calling for submissions for our upcoming exhibition, ‘The Printers Print: A Decent Exposure’, opening on the 11th of June, 2015.
To us, there is nothing better than looking at other people’s prints.
Working in the darkroom can be a lonely or solitary experience, with the finished product often being stored away without being seen by the wider world.
People are frequently surprised by what we do, and think that traditional methods of printing no longer exist or aren’t relevant but we know that there are many of you out there printing away in your bathrooms or laundries so we want to see what you have made.
We want to give printer-photographer’s an opportunity to display the prints they’re most proud of for us all to enjoy and be inspired by, to learn from each other and to celebrate the creative beauty of the hand crafted print.
Amateurs and professionals alike are welcome to submit.
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