A few pics from my Instagram posts.
Print finishing. The final step of creating a black and white hand made print #photogram #blanconegro#fineartdarkroom #handmade#doitinthedark
This photogram on the left (15 in total) was printed on the discontinued 123 Fomabrom paper at 20/24″ size. I played around a fair bit with the exposures as one does and I am looking forward to playing a bit more to give the background some interest… Do it in the dark….
To the right is a pic of some of the films (159 in total) I hand processed a few weeks ago. All film’s had to be I.d.’d with the students names and then written up onto the Print File archival sleeves. All the films were souped in D-76 and replenished with a home made replenisher. I wonder why Kodak stopped making the Rep…? It is reassuring that some Universities are still sticking to film in this modern digital age. But as the teachers mentioned, film can teach so many skills, as you need to “know” what you are actually doing.
blanconegrodarkroomFILM, LOVE IT OR LOSE IT! Earlier this month I dev’d 159 rolls of Foma 400 for the University of Wollongong An annual gig that takes me a few days to I.D., dev, cut and sleeve. All processed by and using D-76 With Home made replenishing. #blanconegro#customdarkroom #doitinthedark#blackandwhitefilm #foma #handmade
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